War Crimes 

Supporting Gush Shalom against war crimes

A letter from Janet Kee

To the Israeli Consular Offices in Canada,

I am a Canadian citizen with a sincere interest in Israel and all its people. I spent the month of June this year in Israel meeting people from all over the country, including Jewish settlers and Palestinians living on the West Bank, a Jewish Israeli family whose 18 year old daughter had died in a homicide bombing by a Palestinian earlier that month, a " refusnik " , a Bedouin family leasing land off the Tel Aviv Jersualem highway, etc. etc.

I highly value the communications I receive from Gush Shalom via its email list. In my view, its commentary on the recent homicide bombing by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip was a fair exercise of freedom of expression as were its letters to military personnel involved in that bombing. Warnining agents of the government that their actions may constitute violations of international law is hardly treasonous.

Gush Shalom is no doubt an irritant to the current government. However, offering views opposing those of current office-holders and monitoring the lawfulness of government actions keeps democracy and civil rights alive. Investigating this organization with a view to laying a charge of treason--the only crime in Israel for which capital punishment may be ordered--devitalizes your society and further discredits Israel in the eyes of the world.

Sincerely yours

Janet Kee

103-1516 Charles Street

Vancouver, B.C.

V5L 2T1