War Crimes 

Israeli democracy and Gush Shalom

Supporting Gush Shalom against war crimes. A letter To A. Sharon from David Pritchard


I write in of support of the Israeli peace organization GUSH SHALOM and out of a concern that your government is considering legal action to stop its legitimate activities. Its warning of serving military officers of the dangers of following illegal orders seems in no way out of place in a state like Israel with its democratic traditions and often trumpeted commitment to the the rule of law. Your government's moves to restrict the activities of GUSH SHALOM raise doubts about its own commitment to such ideals and call into question its intentions with respect to the current re-occupation of the Palestinian territories. I ask you respectfully to consider what is best for the Israeli democracy and the standing of your state in the international arena. Yours


Dr David Pritchard

Department of Ancient History

Division of Humanities

Macquarie University


N.S.W. 2109