Press Releases 

The Israeli-Palestinian Freedom March

They try to convince us that we are alone, that on the other side is an enemy, and that there definitely is not a partner. They think that their incitement will make us believe that we will forever live on the sword, they want us to stop fighting for the future of us all in this place.

But we, Palestinians and Israelis, we know that we are not alone. We know that on the other side there are men and women like us, that we will fight together for peace, equality, and justice to both peoples and for a better future in this land for all that live here.

We know this because in the last two years, we have demonstrated together, hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians from all corners of the country--from Tel Aviv and Ramallah, from Jerusalem and Bethlehem--in the name of a shared future.

In the upcoming March, we will be commemorating a year of struggle and hope together with the residents and activists of Sumud: Freedom Camp--a protest encampment that has enabled the residents of the Palestinian village Sarura in the South Hebron Hills to return to their lands since being expelled from them in the late 90s.

Join us on Friday, July 7th at 13:30 at the Tunnels Checkpoint. When we are many and united, we cannot be ignored!

This demonstration is organized by the movements Combatants for Peace and Standing Together.

Transportation to the March: Jerusalem: leaving from Gan Ha-Pa’amon at 12:30 Tel Aviv: Leaving from Arlozorov/Savidor Train Station at 11:45 Rides from Haifa and Be’er Sheva will be arranged according to demand

Please fill out your details in the form to register for transportation: __._,_.___

Report on the action: