Press Releases 

An international consensus - settlements are illegal and harmful

At the Security Council, a rare international consensus was achieved. It was clearly and unequivocally resolved that the establishment of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is an impermissible act, contrary to International Law, and that the State of Israel must cease immediately and completely construction and expansion of settlements. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all Security Council Members, represent all parts of the Earth, First World and Third World alike - Europe and North America, South America and Africa and Asia, as well as Australia and New Zealand (which itself shared in presenting the resolution to the vote). There was not a single country in the entire world to speak in favor of continuing the settlement enterprise and theft of Palestinian lands.

The achievement of this consensus was made possible thanks to President Obama's decision to cease the policy of automatic veto. It was this automatic veto which had led the Government of Israel to live in a virtual reality and continue plunging us deeper into the abyss of occupation, oppression and the eternal conflict with the Palestinians. It is well Obama broke the veto policy, even if at his last moment in office.

As is well known, within a month Donald Trump is about to enter the White House. Trump’s strident voice on the subject of the settlements was already heard out of the mouth of the manifestly undiplomatic Ambassador to Israel which he appointed. The Israeli cabinet ministers who act as if the Messiah has come would be well-advised to be more cautious. Linking up the future of the State of Israel to a man who by all indications will be one of the most controversial presidents in US history is a short-sighted and highly dangerous policy. Trump will come, cause damage and disappear. Israel will remain facing the worldwide opposition to the settlements.

Full text of the resolution