Press Releases 

The blood on Barak's hands

Ehud Barak, head of the extreme right in Israel who calls himself “Labor Party leader” has a lot of blood on his hands – more than the Palestinian prisoners whom the government refuses to release in order to return captured soldier Gile’ad Shalit to his family.

The sole responsibility for the terrible killing of a mother and her four children, and to the continuing suffering and bloodshed of Israelis and Palestinians alike, belongs to those who reject out of hand a sensible ceasefire offer, and prefers to send militray forces on a brutal and senseless attack and brutal invasion of a thickly inhabited civilian area.

On Wednesday morning (April 30) a consignment of medicines and medical equipment will be passed to the Gaza Strip, having been purchansed through the sum of about 60,000 Dollars collected all over the world at the call of the Israeli Coaltion Against the Gaza Siege.

The medical supplies were purchsed from Palestinian suppliers in Nablus, with the help of the Tel-Aviv based Physicians for Human Rights (which also undertook the obtaining of permits from the IDF military bureacracy). The consignment will be passed on the morning hours of Wednesday, through the Bitunia Checkpoint near Ramallah and to the Gaza Strip border.

There, it will be received by representatives of the Palestinian-International Coalition Against the Gaza Siege, in which the psicyatrist and human rights activist Dr. Eyad Sarraj is involved. Members of Gush Shalom will accompany the consingment all the way to the Gaza border.

On a time when the Government of Israel exells in brutal cruelty against the Palestinian inhabitans of Gaza, we present a humanist alternative of peace-seeking Israelis setting out to break the suffocating siege imposed on a million and half inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.