Press Releases 

Vanunu to prison for speaking to journalists

The verdict in Mordechai Vanunu’s trial is a miscarriage of justice, added to to the earlier unreasonalbe and manifestly wrong decisions taken towards him: to imprison him against his will in a country where he does not want to live, to impose on him unreaonable restrictions and to put him again on trial. It will not help the lkittle bit which is left of Israel’s good name to let it be known in the world that in this country a person may be snet behind bars for the “crime” of talking to foreing journalists on political issues. This puts us side by side with the darkest regimes. Alrerady for a long time, Mordechai Vanunu has no further secrets to reveal. The whole world knows, in precise and minute detail, exactly what the State of Israel is producting and storing in Dimona. It is time to put an end to this miserable affair, and let Mordechi Vanunu leave Israel and spend the rest of his life wherever he chooses. He has already paid an exhobriant price.

Further details: Adam Keller, Gush Shalom spokesperson