Uri Avnery's Column

Federation? Why Not?
THESE DAYS mark the 5th anniversary of the murder of Yasser Arafat, and bring back to me our last conversation in his Ramallah compound, a few weeks before his death. It was he who brought up... • More...

Scoundrel With Permission
WHEN THE TV news starts with a murder, people are relieved. • More...

A Line in the Sand

Count Me Out

The Slippery Slope

The other Israel

A Story of Betrayal

The Drama and the Farce

UM-Shmum, UM-Boom

Wobbly Stools

The Bogie Horror Show

Whose Acre?
THE ANCIENT port of Acre is now the object of a fierce battle. The Arab inhabitants of the town want the port to bear the name of an Arab hero, Issa al Awam, a general under Saladin, the Muslim... • More...

A Jeremiad

I have received the distressing letter that you recently sent to a limited number of friends. You paint the Israeli reality in dark – but true – colors, and end by cutting your... • More...

FIRST, AN honest disclosure: I loved the Shepherd hotel very much. • More...

The Johnny Procedure

Matter of the Heart


Between Tel Aviv and Tehran
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Iranian citizens pour into the streets in order to protest against their government! What a wonderful sight! Gideon Levy wrote in Haaretz that he envies the Iranians. • More...

When He Says Yes – What Does He Mean?
“YOU MUST be celebrating,” the interviewer from a popular radio station told me after Netanyahu’s speech. “After all, he is accepting the plan which you proposed 42 years ago!” (Actually it was 60... • More...

Obama won’t wink back
Netanyahu’s biggest problem is to make believe that the old is new. To make yesterday’s tired old clichés sound like the rallying call for tomorrow. But how to do that without using winks? • More...

The Tone and the Music
WHILE OBAMA proclaims the 21st century, the government of Israel is returning to the 19th. • More...

“Racists for Democracy”
HOW LUCKY we are to have the extreme Right standing guard over our democracy. • More...

Calm Voice, Big Stick

Quarrel on the Titanic
ONE OF THE HAPPIEST moments in my life occurred in a restaurant. • More...

Sir Winston Peres

The Emperor’s Old Clothes
EVERYBODY IS talking about the first 100 days of Barack Obama. And there’s a lot to talk about. • More...

Can Two Walk Together?

A Little Red Light
PERHAPS Avigdor Lieberman is only a passing episode in the annals of the State of Israel. Perhaps the fire he is trying to ignite will flicker briefly and go out by itself. Or perhaps the police... • More...

“Rest has Come to the Weary…”
PASSOVER Week is a time for outings. News programs on radio and television start with words like: “The masses of the House of Israel spent the day in the national parks…” • More...

Who’s The Boss?
ON THE first day of the new Israeli government, the fog cleared: it’s a Lieberman government. • More...