Uri Avnery's Column

Biberman & Co.

A Judicial Document

The Rape of Washington

Remember Ophira?

10 Ways to Kill Fatah

The Great Gamble

Ms Tantalus
TANTALUS IS punished by the Gods for reasons that are not entirely clear. He is hungry and thirsty, but the water in which he stands recedes when he bends down to drink from it and the fruit above... • More...

Dirty Socks
“I have some good news and some bad news,” the sergeant in the joke tells his men. “The good news is that you are going to change your dirty socks. The bad news is that you are going to exchange... • More...

Black Flag
A SPANISH JUDGE has instituted a judicial inquiry against seven Israeli political and military personalities on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The case: the 2002 dropping of... • More...

On The Wrong Side
OF ALL the beautiful phrases in Barack Obama’s inauguration speech, these are the words that stuck in my mind: “You are on the wrong side of history.” • More...

The Boss Has Gone Mad

How Many Divisions?
NEARLY SEVENTY YEARS ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad. For more than a thousand days, a gang of extremists called “the Red Army” held the... • More...

Molten Lead
JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, Aljazeera’s Arabic channel was reporting on events in Gaza. Suddenly the camera was pointing upwards towards the dark sky. The screen was pitch black. Nothing could be seen... • More...

A Congress of Peace Seekers
I couldn’t imagine a more enjoyable and exciting birthday. • More...

Spot the Difference
A MAN was asked about his sons. “I have three,” he said, “but one of them is a complete idiot.”

“Which one?” they asked.

“Take your pick,” he replied.

In 51 days, we shall vote for a new... • More...

Tzipi’s Nation-State
IT SOUNDS like an invented story. And indeed it is. • More...


Barak Ovadya, Candidate
THE ISRAELI OBAMA. What will he look like, the Israeli counterpart of Barack Obama? What will be his attributes?

That is a tantalizing question. It goes without saying that one cannot construct a... • More...

Eyes Wide Shut
THE DAY before yesterday, two documents appeared side by side in Haaretz: a giant advertisement from the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the results of a public opinion poll. • More...

An Unforgettable Moment
WHEN I told this to Anwar Sadat, he laughed: "The moment the door of your airplane opened, all Israelis held their breath. I live on a main street in Tel-Aviv, and at that moment I looked out at... • More...

Yesterday’s traitors, HAARETZ 14.11.08

Yes, You Can!

Our Obama
IN THREE days, it seems at the moment, the incredible will happen: the most important "white" country in the world will elect a black president. • More...

King of the Planet
THE PRESIDENT of the United States is the king of this planet. I live on this planet. Therefore, the election of the President concerns me, too. Very much so. • More...

Is Akko Burning?
THROUGHOUT ITS thousands of years of history, Akko has never been an Israelite town.

Even according to the mythological story of the Bible, the Israelites did not conquer the city, which was... • More...

A Fairy Tale
Recently I was asked by the German Else-Laker-Schueler-Gesellschaft, which commemorates the German-Jewish-Israeli poetess, to describe how peace would look like. On the eve of Yom Kippur, the day... • More...

Summing Up
IN COLLOQUIAL Israeli Hebrew, when someone discovers something that everybody else already knows, we say: "Good morning, Elijahu!" • More...

It Can Happen Here!
THE GERMAN name Sternhell means bright as the stars. The name fits: the positions of Professor Ze'ev Sternhell indeed stand out sharply against the darkness of the sky. He warns against Israeli... • More...

Fly, Tzipora, fly!
THE POLLS were wrong, as usual. And in a big way. As usual.

Instead of winning by a huge margin, as predicted until the very last moment by all the polls, she just squeaked through. Of the 72... • More...

Tzipi's Choice
AS AN ISRAELI, I am ashamed. An incumbent Prime Minister has been compelled to resign because of personal corruption. How awful! • More...