Uri Avnery's Column

Shalit, For Example

A Flash of Lightning

Who is Afraid of a real Inquiry?
If a real Commission of Inquiry had been set up (instead of the pathetic excuse for a commission), here are some of the questions it should have addressed: • More...

Kill a Turk and Rest

A Day in November

Hallelujah, the World is Against Us!

A Black Hole

A Fantasy

A Cloud over Jerusalem

In the Name of Zionism
ISRAEL IS a Zionist State. Everybody knows that. • More...

A Birthday Present
YESTERDAY I went to the health clinic to get a vaccination. It was a pleasant day, sunny but not too hot. The trip to the clinic and back, including the waiting, took just over an hour. During... • More...

The Big Gamble
I MET Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian Prime Minister, two weeks ago, and was again impressed by the calm and modesty he radiates. • More...

“Hold Me Back!”
“HOLD ME back!” is a part of Israeli folklore. It reminds us of our childhood. • More...

On The Road To Canossa
IN JANUARY 1077, King Henry IV walked to Canossa. He crossed the snow-covered Alps barefoot, wearing a penitent monk’s hair shirt, and reached the North-Italian fortress in which the Vicar of God... • More...

The Doomsday Weapon
IT IS already a commonplace to say that people who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat their mistakes. • More...

A Matter of Timing
SOME WEEKS the news is dominated by a single word. This week’s word was “timing”. • More...

The Harlot’s Grave
SOME WEEKS ago, Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in Rome, was released after serving 28 years in prison. • More...

White Lie

Dubious in Dubai
FROM TIME to time I ask myself: what would happen if the world’s governments decided to abolish all their spy agencies simultaneously? • More...

A Stink Bomb

A Four-Letter Word
MANY IMPORTANT struggles in Israel are calling out to people of conscience. Among others (in random order): • More...

The Kangaroo
GEORGE MITCHELL looks like a kangaroo hopping around with an empty pouch. • More...

“Kill Another Turk…”
I TRIED to resist the temptation to tell the same classical Jewish joke a second time, but circumstances delivered a plausible excuse. • More...

The Quiet American
THE QUIET AMERICAN was the hero of Graham Greene’s novel about the first Vietnam War, the one fought by the French. • More...

The Iron Wall

Cast Lead 2
DID WE win? Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the Gaza War, alias Operation Cast Lead, and this question fills the public space. • More...

THIS WEEK I enjoyed an hour of happiness.

I was on my way home, after collecting William Polk’s new book about Iran. I admire the wisdom of this former State Department official. • More...

Spot the Difference
A SHORT historical quiz: Which state:

(1) Arose after a holocaust in which a third of its people were destroyed?

(2) Drew from that holocaust the conclusion that only superior military forces... • More...

The Height of Kitsch

“…And A Little Child Shall Lead Them”
THOMAS FRIEDMAN, the New York Times columnist, has an idea. That happens to him quite often. One might almost say - too often. • More...