Uri Avnery's Column

Angel Face
SEEING HER face on the TV screen, one is struck by her beauty. It is the face of an angel, pure and innocent. • More...


(Un)holy River
SO HERE comes John Kerry again, for the umpteenth time (but who is counting?) to make peace between us and the Palestinians. • More...

The Debacle
THE GREATEST danger to Israel is not the putative Iranian nuclear bomb. The greatest danger is the stupidity of our leaders. • More...

Without Fear, Without Favor / November 11, 2013, Laureate’s speech

The Battle of the Titans
THIS IS not merely a fight between Israel and the US. Nor is it only a fight between the White House and Congress. It is also a battle between intellectual titans. • More...

The Assassination

The Judaization of Israel
ON MY 16th birthday, in 1939, I rushed to the district registration office of the Government of Palestine to change my name officially. • More...

90 Years from Now

Taking Apartheid Apart
IS ISRAEL an apartheid state? This question is not going away. It raises its head every few months. • More...

The Descenders
THOSE WHO are interested in the history of the Crusades ask themselves: what brought about the Crusaders' downfall? Looking at the remnants of their proud fortresses all over the country, we wonder. • More...

Ovadia’s Choice
WHEN RABBI Ovadia Yosef first appeared on the national scene, I heaved a deep sigh of relief.

Here was the man I had dreamed of: a charismatic leader of oriental Jews, a man of peace, a bearer of... • More...

Killjoy Was Here
BINYAMIN NETANYAHU aroused my pity. From my 10 years of membership in the Knesset I know how unpleasant it is to speak before an empty hall. • More...

The Real Bomb
YEARS AGO I disclosed one of the biggest secrets about Iran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was an agent of the Mossad. • More...

Stolen Wars

A Good War
HERE IS another Jewish joke: A hungry young Jew sees an announcement outside a local circus: anyone who climbs to the top of a 50 meter pole and jumps onto a tarpaulin below will win a prize of a... • More...

Oslo Revisited
ISRAEL LOVES anniversaries. The media fill up with revelations and memories of the event commemorated, eye-witnesses recite their stories for the umpteenth time, old photos flood the pages and the... • More...

Poor Obama
POOR OBAMA. I pity him.

Right at the start of his meeting with history, he made The Speech in Cairo. A great speech. An uplifting speech. An edifying speech. • More...

Cry, Beloved Country
I DIDN’T want to write this article, but I had to.

I love Egypt. I love the Egyptian people. I have spent some of the happiest days of my life there. • More...

A new Guinness Record
I DON’T know if the Guinness Book of World Records has a special section for Chutzpah.

If it does not, it should. That's the one competition where we might take home a few gold medals.

The first... • More...

A Federation – Why Not?
(A shorter version of this article was published yesterday in Haaretz). • More...

Civil War?
IT IS now fashionable to say that “the two-state solution is dead”. Or: “Time for the two-state solution is running out”.

Why dead? How dead? It’s one of those things that need no proof. To say... • More...

The Turkey Under the Table
WHEN YOU have a conflict between two parties, the way to solve it is clear: you put them in the same room, let them thrash out their differences and emerge with a reasonable solution acceptable to... • More...

A Gift from Europe
ON MY 70th birthday, I received a gift from Yitzhak Rabin: he signed the document recognizing the existence of the Palestinian people, after many decades of denial. He also recognized the... • More...

The Grand Dilemma
PERHAPS YOU are facing the same moral dilemma as I am:

What to think about Syria?

What to think about Egypt? • More...

A Human Spring
LET ME come back to the story about Zhou Enlai, the Chinese Communist leader. When asked what he thought about the French Revolution, he famously answered: “It’s too early to say.” • More...

Kerry and Chutzpah
IF YOU happen to bump into John Kerry at Ben Gurion Airport, you may wonder whether he is coming or going. He may well be wondering himself. • More...

When the Gods Laugh
(A shorter version of this article was published in Haaretz on June 19, the day after the official birthday.) • More...

Triumph and Tragedy
NO OPERA by Richard Wagner could have been more dramatic. It looked as if it was directed by a genius. • More...

Butterflies in Damascus
DURING THE Spanish civil war of 1936, a news story reported the deaths of 82 Moroccans, 53 Italians, 48 Russians, 34 Germans, 17 Englishmen, 13 Americans and 8 Frenchmen. Also 1 Spaniard. • More...