Uri Avnery's Column

Who is Winning?

The Atrocity
BOMBS ARE raining on Gaza and rockets on Southern Israel, people are dying and homes are being destroyed.

Again. • More...

The Watch on the Jordan
THE ARAB world is in turmoil. Syria and Iraq are breaking apart, the thousand-year old conflict between Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Shiites is reaching a new climax. A historic drama is unfolding... • More...

An Armed Ghetto
ONE SIDE’S terrorists are the other side’s freedom fighters. That is not simply a matter of terminology. It is a difference of perception, which has far-reaching practical consequences.

Take... • More...

Sisyphus Redeemed

A Coup? Nonsense!
THE EXISTENCE of the army in a truly democratic state represents a paradox. • More...

Good for the Jews?
HOW DOES a football club choose its team?

The simple way is the usual one: each side has a manager, who chooses his team. No problem.

Now the Israeli government has hit on a new way: Our manager... • More...

Patagonian Dreams
DURING HIS short visit to Israel, Pope Francis laid a wreath on the grave of Theodor Herzl.

That was not a usual gesture. Foreign heads of state are obliged to visit Yad Vashem, as did the pope... • More...

In Their Own Juice
ACCORDING TO press reports, President Barack Obama has decided to let Binyamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas “stew in their own juice.” • More...

Dear Salman
YEARS AGO I was invited to a UN conference on the Palestinian refugees in Paris. • More...

A National Hero
JUST BEFORE Israel’s 66th Independence Day, the country acquired a new national hero.

If it is true that every nation gets the national heroes it deserves, it was a rather worrying spectacle. • More...

A Shameful Chapter
HOW WOULD the US react to a declaration that the Palestinians would not conduct negotiations with an Israeli government that includes semi-fascist parties? • More...

Words, Words, Words
IMAGINE A war breaking out between Israel and Jordan. Within two or three days the Israeli army occupies the entire territory of the Hashemite Kingdom. What will be the first act of the occupation... • More...

An Oslo Criminal
THE DEATH of Ron Pundak, one of the original Israeli architects of the 1993 Oslo agreement, brought that historic event back into the public eye. • More...

In One Word: Poof!
POOR JOHN Kerry. This week he emitted a sound that was more expressive than pages of diplomatic babble. • More...

The Monster on the Hill
THERE IS nothing better than a scandal every week. A juicy scandal excites people, engages the media, takes our minds off matters like war and peace, occupation and apartheid. Like panem et... • More...

Changing the Flag

A Hundred Years Later
THERE IS an old Chinese curse that says: “May you live in historic times!” (If there isn’t, there should be.) • More...

A Counter-Coalition
SOMETHING VERY important happened this week in the most unlikely of places: the Knesset. • More...

God Bless Putin
BINYAMIN NETANYAHU is very good at making speeches, especially to Jews, neocons and such, who jump up and applaud wildly at everything he says, including that tomorrow the sun will rise in the west. • More...

Their Mothers, Their Fathers
IT IS the summer of 1941. Five youngsters – three young men and two young women – meet in a bar and spend a happy evening, flirting with each other, getting drunk, dancing forbidden foreign... • More...

Captain Boycott Rides Again
IT HAS always been a secret ambition of mine to have a bagatz ruling bearing my name. • More...

Three Women
THIS IS a declaration of love. Three loves, actually.

I love Achinoam Nini. I love her from afar. I have never met her. • More...

Another Pipe Dream
WHAT’S WRONG about the demand that the Palestinian leadership recognize Israel as the “Nation State of the Jewish People”? • More...

Return, Return oh Shulamit
PETE SEEGER touched my life only once. But what a touch. • More...

Nothing New Under the Sun

The Imperator
IN THE middle of the 70s, Ariel Sharon asked me to arrange something for him - a meeting with Yasser Arafat. • More...

Bibi & Libie
PERHAPS I am too stupid, but for the heck of me I cannot understand the sense of the Israeli demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state. • More...

Neutral – in whose favor?

Mandela: The Movie
I HAVE just seen the new movie “Mandela”, and I am so full of impressions that I cannot abstain from writing them down. • More...