Uri Avnery's Column

The Casino Republic
WHO IS the ruler of Israel?

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, of course.

WRONG. • More...

Over Bottled

Zionists All
MANY TIMES people ask me: "Are you a Zionist?"

My stock answer is: "Depends on what you mean by Zionism."

This is quite sincere. The term Zionism can mean many different things. Like the term... • More...

Galant's Gallant Act
THERE USED to be a joke about a sadist and a masochist. • More...

Waving in the first Row
THE THREE Islamic terrorists could have been very proud of themselves, if they had lived to see it. • More...

Half of Shas
THE SHAS party has split into two. Opinion polls show that both parts are hovering around the 3.12% threshold which is now necessary for entering the Knesset, after the minimum was raised by the... • More...

The Rock of our Existence

My Glorious Brothers

Splendid Isolation
ALMOST A thousand Israeli personalities have already signed an appeal to European parliaments for their governments to recognize the State of Palestine. • More...

Can the Duke become King?
ON MONDAY, the 19th Knesset voted to dissolve itself, less than two years after its election. For many of its members it was a sad day, a kind of political hara-kiri. They have no chance of... • More...

The Plebiscite
ISRAELIS ARE fed up with Binyamin Netanyahu. They are fed up with the government. They are fed up with all political parties. They are fed up with themselves. They are fed up. • More...

The Son of my Eyes
THE PRESIDENT of Israel was aghast.

Ruvi Rivlin, who was recently elected to the high but largely ceremonial post, is far from being a leftist. On the contrary, this scion of a family that has... • More...

The Unholy City
IN ITS long and checkered history, Jerusalem has been occupied by dozens of conquerors. • More...

Wine, Blood and Gasoline

Is ISIS Coming?
IF ISIS had approached the borders of Israel this week, nobody in the country would have noticed. Israel was riveted to a court-room drama. • More...


Muhammad, Where Are You?

Decent Respect

Crusaders and Zionists
LATELY, THE words "Crusaders" and "Zionists" have been appearing more and more often as twins. In a documentary about ISIS I just saw, they appeared together in almost every sentence uttered by... • More...

Two Speeches
IF I could choose between the two rhetorical gladiators, I would rather have Mahmoud Abbas representing Israel and Netanyahu representing the other side. • More...

Ah, If I Were 25

Scotland on the Euphrates
TWO COUNTRIES competed this week for first place in news programs all over the world: Scotland and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. • More...

Hannibal ad Portas
THE LAST war has come to an end, the next war has not yet started, so let's use the time to speak of many things.

Of Hannibal, for example. • More...

God Wills It!
FOR SIX decades my friends and I have warned our people: if we don't make peace with the nationalist Arab forces, we shall be faced with Islamic Arab forces.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will... • More...

The War for Nothing

Son of Death
THE WAR was over. Families returned to their kibbutzim near Gaza. Kindergartens opened up again. A ceasefire was in force and extended again and again. Obviously, both sides were exhausted.

And... • More...

Eyeless in Gaza
THE TROUBLE with war is that it has two sides.

Everything would be so much easier if war had only one side. Ours, of course. • More...

Metro Gaza
TEL AVIV has no metro. It has been discussed for decades. Successive mayors have promised it. Alas, still no metro. • More...

Meeting in a Tunnel

Once And For All!
IN THIS war, both sides have the same aim: to put an end to the situation that existed before it started.

Once And For All! • More...