Uri Avnery's Column

A Sparkling Bubble
A FRIEND of mine, who was brought up in Egypt, took part in the interrogation of Egyptian officers captured in the 1956 Sinai war. • More...

An Evening in Jounieh
DURING THE first Lebanon war, I visited Jounieh, a town some 20 km north of Beirut. At the time, it served as a port for the Christian forces. It was an exciting evening. • More...

In One Word: MASSACRE!
"THANK GOD for the American elections," our ministers and generals sighed with relief.
They were not rejoicing at the kick that the American people delivered to George W. Bush's ass this week... • More...

Lovable Man
IN ITS original German form - Lieberman - the name means "lovable man". It is hard to imagine a name less appropriate for the new Deputy Prime Minister of Israel.
He is not lovable, neither in his... • More...

Who is Afraid of the Iranian Bomb?
AT THE height of the epic Battle of Britain in 1940, when British airmen were killed at an appalling rate ("never was so much owed by so many to so few"), an official in charge of propaganda had a... • More...

Ehud von Olmert
THE NAME of Franz von Papen is familiar to everyone who knows the history of the German republic that was born after World War I and that died when Hitler came to power. • More...

The Great Experiment
IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it?
That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the... • More...

Lunch in Damascus
ONCE, WHILE traveling in a taxi, I had an argument with the driver - a profession associated in Israel with extreme right-wing views. I tried in vain to convince him of the desirability of peace... • More...

Because of a Small Nail
HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: "Something is rotten in the State of Israel!"
And indeed, something is rotten. • More...

Muhammad's Sword
Since the days when Roman Emperors threw Christians to the lions, the relations between the emperors and the heads of the church have undergone many changes.
Constantine the Great, who became... • More...

Help! Peacemongers!
GUESS WHOSE words these are: "Starting this war was a scandal…It was possible to solve the problem of the missiles in South Lebanon by diplomatic means…The offensive of the last two days of the... • More...

State of Chutzpah
IN EVERY language there are some words that cannot be properly translated into any other. It seems that they express something intimately connected with the speakers of that language and rooted in... • More...

"Left, But…"
I ONCE saw a nice sketch in a political cabaret: on the stage several people were speaking in unconnected sentences, all of which ended with the word "but". For example: "Some of my best friends... • More...

When Napoleon Won at Waterloo
NAPOLEON WON the battle of Waterloo. The German Wehrmacht won World War II. The United States won in Vietnam, and the Soviets in Afghanistan. The Zealots won against the Romans, and Ehud Olmert... • More...

The Bees in the Lion's Carcass
EHUD OLMERT has found a convincing proof of his great victory over Hassan Nasrallah: "I am touring the country freely while Nasrallah is hiding in his bunker!"
It is said that "the style is the... • More...

America's Rottweiler
IN HIS latest speech, which infuriated so many people, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uttered a sentence that deserves attention: "Every new Arab generation hates Israel more than the previous... • More...

Good Morning, Elijahu!
A STORY has it that Oscar Wilde once attended the premiere of a colleague's play and every few minutes raised his hat. When asked about this odd behavior, he replied: "I am a courteous person. I... • More...

The 155th Victim
WITH A few words, a Lebanese army officer destroyed, the day before yesterday, the illusion that Israel had achieved anything in this war.
At a televised Lebanese army parade that was also... • More...

From Mania to Depression
THIRTY THREE days of war. The longest of our wars since 1949.
On the Israeli side: 154 dead - 117 of them soldiers. 3970 rockets launched against us, 37 civilians dead, more than 422 civilians... • More...

What the Hell has happened to the Army?
SO WHAT has happened to the Israeli army?
This question is now being raised not only around the world, but also in Israel itself. Clearly, there is a huge gap between the army's boastful... • More...

Who? Me?!
TODAY, THE war entered its fifth week. Hard to believe: our mighty army has now been fighting for 29 days against a "gang" and "terrorist organization", as the military commanders like to describe... • More...

Junkies of War
FOR ME it was a moment of shocking revelation.
I was listening to one of the daily speeches of our Prime Minister. He said: "We are a wonderful people!" He said: We have already won this war, it... • More...

The Knife in the Back
THE DAY after the war will be the Day of the Long Knives. • More...

In the Gunsight: Syria! or: A Nice Little War
IT IS the old story about the losing gambler: he cannot stop. He continues to play, in order to win his losses back. He continues to lose and continues to gamble, until he has lost everything: his... • More...

Q & A: The 15th Day
- Who is winning this war?

On the 15th day of the war, Hizbullah is functioning and fighting. That by itself will go down in the annals of the Arab peoples as a shining victory.

When a... • More...

Is Beirut Burning?
"IT SEEMS that Nasrallah survived," Israeli newspapers announced, after 23 tons of bombs were dropped on a site in Beirut, where the Hizbullah leader was supposedly hiding in a bunker.

An... • More...

"Stop that shit!"
A WOMAN, an immigrant from Russia, throws herself on the ground in total despair in front of her home that has been hit by a missile, crying in broken Hebrew: "My son! My son!" believing him dead... • More...

כל הארץ חזית
המטרה האמיתית היא לשנות את המשטר בלבנון ולכונן בה ממשלה התלויה בישראל.

זאת הייתה גם מטרת הפלישה של אריאל שרון ללבנון ב-1982. היא נכשלה. אבל שרון ותלמידיו בצמרת הצבאית והמדינית לא נטשו אותה מעולם... • More...

The Real Aim
THE REAL aim is to change the regime in Lebanon and to install a puppet government.

That was the aim of Ariel Sharon's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It failed. But Sharon and his pupils in the... • More...

A One-sided War
THAT'S IT. Tomorrow the World Cup games come to an end. We can congratulate the new champions and wish them arrivederci or au revoir, as the case may be. • More...