Uri Avnery's Column

Lonely Rider
AT THE funeral of Abie Nathan, I said to myself: the Israel-as-it-is takes its leave from the Israel-as-it-could-have-been. • More...

Hottentot Morality

The Devil's Hoof
I WAS shocked when I read the headline in Haaretz. It quoted Sari Nusseibeh as saying "There is no Room for Two", meaning two states between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan. • More...

The Anger, the Longing, the Hope
ONE OF the wisest pronouncements I have heard in my life was that of an Egyptian general, a few days after Anwar Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem. • More...

A Knight on a Gray Horse
OH DEAR, what has happened to the knight on the white horse? • More...

Hollow Time
EHUD OLMERT'S resignation speech reached us on our way back from a demonstration. • More...

"If I Forget Thee, Umm Touba…"

Different Planets

Why Not?
IF YOU want to understand the policy of a country, look at the map - as Napoleon recommended. • More...

Satan's Counsel
IT WAS just a passing conversation, but it has stuck in my memory. • More...

Ole - Ole, Ole, Ole
WHAT EXCITED the Israelis this week? What glued them to the TV and radio sets? What made them rush to buy newspapers at the kiosks? • More...

All Quiet on the Gaza Front
AND SUDDENLY: quiet. No Qassams. No mortar shells. The tanks are not rolling. The aircraft are not bombing. • More...

An Apology
THIS WEEK, the Prime Minister of Canada made a dramatic statement in Parliament: he apologized to the indigenous peoples of his country for the injustices done to them for generations by... • More...

No, I Can't!
AFTER MONTHS of a tough and bitter race, a merciless struggle, Barack Obama has defeated his formidable opponent, Hillary Clinton. He has wrought a miracle: for the first time in history a black... • More...

When the Kettle Calls the Pot Black
I CANNOT say that I ever liked Ehud Olmert. But now I almost feel sorry for him. • More...

Escaping Forwards

With Friends Like These…
LATELY WE are flooded with friends. The Great of the Earth, past and present, come here to flatter us, to fawn on us, to grovel at our feet. • More...

ONE DAY, I hope, a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", on the South African model, will be set up here. It should be composed of Israeli, Palestinian and international historians, whose job... • More...

"…Namely the State of Israel"
EVERY TIME I hear the voice of David Ben-Gurion uttering the words "Therefore we are gathered here…" I think of Issar Barsky, a charming youngster, the little brother of a girl-friend of mine. • More...

The Military Option
WAR WITH Syria? Peace with Syria?

A big military operation against Hamas in the Gaza strip? A cease-fire with Hamas? • More...

The Lion and the Gazelle
TONIGHT THE JEWS all over the world will celebrate the Seder, the unique ceremony that unites Jews everywhere in the defining Jewish myth: the Exodus from Egypt. • More...

Manifest Destiny?

"Not You! You!!!"
"Hey! Take your hands off me! Not you! You!!!" - the voice of a young woman in the darkened cinema, an old joke. • More...

"Death to the Arabs!"

"WAR IS much too serious a thing to be left to military men," in Talleyrand's memorable words. In the same spirit, one could say: The American presidential elections are much too serious to be... • More...

"I Came, I Saw, I Destroyed!"
WHAT HAPPENED this week is so infuriating, so impertinent, that it stands out even in our familiar landscape of governmental irresponsibility. • More...

"Kill A Hundred Turks And Rest…"
This is not a joke (and this is not a week for jokes). It is a lesson in psychology. I was reminded of it when I read Ehud Olmert's statement that more than anything else he was furious about the... • More...

Good Morning, Hamas

Three Cheers for Kosova!
"When millions of people erroneously believe that they are a nation, conduct themselves like a nation and fight like a nation - well, then they are a nation." • More...

Blood and Champagne
EVERY PEOPLE elevate the profession in which they excel. • More...