
Questions to the pilot


Some Questions to the pilots of the F-16 who comitted the massacre in Gaza

(Translated from the Refuseniks' ad in Ha'aretz July 24, by Gush Shalom]

Those who took part in the liquidation of Salah Shehadeh and 14* other human beings, among them 6 children, and 2 babies (and150 wounded).

Do you know the concept " manifestly illegal order " ?

Is the order which you followed one of them?

Is there a limit to what you would be willing to do?

When you were briefed about your mission - did you to try to check that there wouldn't be innocent civilians in the house you were going to bombard?

If you knew there were, didn't you hesitate, at least for a short moment, before you pulled the trigger?

Do you justify the death of children, babies because of the sins of their father?

Arent' you the elite of the soldiers? Aren't pilots considered the spearpoint of the armed forces as well as the Israeli society - also for their moral standards?

Do you remember that there were times that we would have canceled an action when the susipicion rose that innocents may be hit? - because such were the values according to which we were brought up, and because these were the norms of the armed forces which we joined?

And these were the norms we were proud of.

Nearly unnoticed the State of Israel has turned into a state which doesn't scruple using whatever means in order to achieve its political aims.