
An Appeal from Qalqiliya Residents To the Aqaba Summit

An Appeal from the Residents of Qalqiliya To the Aqaba Summit, Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen and the International Community

from PENGON - Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network.

We sent this appeal to our brothers, the respectful people in charge in the Palestinian National our representatives in the Palestinian Legislative appeal to all the free people of this world and lovers of freedom, land and peace. We send this appeal from the district of Qalqiliya, from all the villages and locations that are being razed by the fatal Apartheid Wall which is set up above our lands and on our spirits and our chests.

This is an appeal for help and an honor sent from the hearts of thousands of children, women and elders whose trees are being uprooted, whose lands are being razed, whose elders and children are being beaten daily. For over 8 months, nothing has hindered us-- except death-- from reaching our lands because these lands are our paradise on this earth. The land is our past, present and future. It is like a soul in the body since the time of Canaan till the end of days.

Derived from this fact that is steadfastness rooted like the mountains and solid like the firestones of Palestine. we send this thundering call to the attendants of the summit being convened in Sharm Al Sheikh and Al 'Aqaba; whether they are messengers of peace or leaders and decision makers, we tell them in this congregation: There is no place for peace with this Apartheid Wall, no peace with settlements and settlers who steel our land, and threaten our future.

A just peace must eliminate the Wall and restore the right to its people in an independent state whose capital is Jerusalem and its borders will be along the pre-1967 'Green Line.' We emphasize on the Right of Return and repatriation for the refugees and the immediate, the full release of the political prisoners, as well as the complete recognition of and compliance with all the rights and resolutions stipulated under international law and the Charters of the United Nations.

We, the people of Qalqiliya, the Land Defense Committees and the Apartheid Wall Campaign - PENGON, the Farmers Union and popular and local organizations in Qalqiliya present this appeal and emphasize on the following:

First: We appeal President Yaser Arafat to never give up the rights of the Palestinian citizens and to refuse any modifications on the West Bank map, whether it is 'negotiated' or imposed by Israel on the ground through erecting the Apartheid Wall.

Second: We demand the Government of Abu Mazen not to relinquish one inch of the lands which were razed or isolated by the Apartheid Wall. Stopping the Wall immediately should be a precondition to any negotiation. We support and advocate to our Palestinian Government in realizing our absolute rights.

Third: We refuse any peace accompanied with the Apartheid Wall or any of its forms.

Fourth: We salute and applaud all the communities which defy the erecting of the Apartheid Wall and its expansion from Hebron till Jenin.

Fifth: We appeal the Palestinian Authority to provide support and aid, as well as facilitate all organizations to make an effort and provide assistance to the thousands of families who have lost their main income and source of livelihood due to the building of the Wall. We refuse the fate of more than 22 residential communities in the district of Qalqiliya to become kernels for new camps.

Issued by:

  • Lands Defense Committees in the District of Qalqiliya.
  • The Apartheid Wall Campaign PENGON
  • The Palestinian Farmers Union.
  • The Farmers Union.
  • The Local and Popular Organizations in the District of Qalqiliya.

For further details or interviews contact PENGON by e-mail: or telephone: +972-52-285610.